Like the rest ofng society, the Segurity Privada is slowly beginning to see a glimpse of light, after three hard months in which the quarantine quarantine has directly affected many of its professionals and has altered the regulatory and social context.. The quarantine has directly affected many of its professionals and has altered the regulatory and social context. a certain activity has come to a standstill, with the consequent crisis.
A complicated period that could only be only been cushionedo thanks to a the new hires promoted by the hospitality the hospitality sector, as well as by the measures collaboration measures promoted by the the government to keep the situation under control.
In fact, of the more than 80,000 professionals at Seguridad Private that there are currently in Spain, it is estimated that around 20% (some 15,000 (some 15,000) have been have been directly involved since March since March in tasks related to the prevention and prevention and containment of the spread of the spread of the Coronavirus. And these tasks have been have been carried out in places such as hospitals or transport stations, in close cooperation with the Fuerzas y Cuerpos State Security Forces and Corps. In fact, together together they have formed a workinga team that has received the admiration and recognition of many citizens of the country. from the country.
Recognition for the sector, a boost to continue their work
For Private Security, the support and gratitude from society has been an injection of morale to develop their work to perfection, in a situation that has not been at all easy to cope a situation that has not been at all easy to bear.. At no time have their professionals been considered high-risk personnel; despite having to appear every day in environments and in the field. at environments and scenarios where the Coronavirus could be present.
This has increased their exposure and has led to led many workers to stand up to the disease., for the common good and despite the lack of access to tests diagnostic tests.
But, even in this hostile environment, the sector has fulfilled its obligations and has done its best, becoming an essential part of the social machinery that has been able to gradually bend the contagion curve. Quite an achievement, to which he has contributed after a necessary necessary adaptation process that has developedprocess of adaptation, which has been carried out at a fast paceto to adapt itss to adapt their basic functions during the pre-pandemic period to the new tasks required by the state of alarm that has been in force throughout the country. throughout the country.
We talked about the many health regulations health regulationsof a provisional nature, and appeared in the 'heat' of the Royal Decrees; designed to control the disease. And the fact is that our sector has been a fundamental support to ensure to ensure that the measures the measures that established by the legislative and executive branchesfor both for eradicate the virus and to to eradicate the virus and to provide full security to citizens. This work has has forced - and continues to force - a the professionals professionals, both public and private y private, to be constantly up to date. Tll this to to enforce protocols, such as those relating to the those referring to capacity control, to social distancing or the use of masks.
Technology, an ally of some complexity
Fortunately, we have technological solutions to facilitate all this work.. Thermal cameras, access and capacity control systems; o remote surveillance equipment are a breakthrough for regulatory compliance and for the for protect both the public and the workers themselves. Although in most cases, these devices require a learning require a learning process on the part of security guardswhich leads which leads their companies to make an investment investment extra investment to train and prepare them for the 'new normal'.
In short, society is facing a completely new landscape and the members of the members of the Private Security areWe are fully readyos to collaborate in this transition.. We have alreadye have already demonstrated itin the last three months with our hard work, not work, not exempt of dangers and risks. A work that we havee have Despite these difficult conditions, our work has been justly rewarded by has been justly rewarded by society, thanks to our hard work. our visibility and our constant presence in public and private areas.
However, there is still much work to be done and it will be essential for our sector to continue to receive public and institutional support to continue to continue to continue to offer a safe and quality service.. For this reason, it is necessary to promote and the reactivation of employment through specific measures. measuresas well as penalizing the intrusiveness of 'multiservice' companies.multiserviceand pessimism about the capabilities of our professionals. In our case, our best endorsement is the work we have done in the last three months, so all we need to continue to comply with theWe need only to continue to fulfill our commitment to our clients' needs.s expectations is to feel the support of all the social actors.