Seven tips to prevent coronavirus infection in workers

The Coronavirus pandemic that we are currently experiencing affects practically each and every one of the professional and personal areas. Of course, workers in many trades are no exception, often being exposed unnecessarily to this enemy. In SICOR Group we are fully aware of this problem, hence we intend to expose seven tips to prevent the spread of this disease among the working population:

  1. Workers should wash their hands with soap and water or, failing that, with a water-alcohol solution on a regular basis. Touching the face after contact with a contaminated surface or a sick person is the most common way of transmission of Coronavirus. Hand washing is therefore essential, as it can reduce the risk of infection.
  2. Maintaining the regulated safety distance (1 metre) is essential for a worker to carry out his work with absolute normality and without running any risk of becoming infected, as the projection of small droplets by a sick person is another of the means of transmission of the Coronavirus.
  3. It is highly recommended that workers wash their clothes often in the washing machine, preferably at a temperature of at least 60 degrees and with plenty of water and detergent. This is the only way to ensure that the virus does not remain on the clothing to be used.
  4. Of course, workers must follow each and every one of the protocols established by the Government or the competent bodies, as well as always being informed through official channels, disobeying all kinds of hoaxes and supposed remedies that are currently circulating on the Internet.
  5. In addition, when coughing or sneezing, a worker should always cover his or her mouth with the elbow or, better still, with a disposable handkerchief, which under no circumstances should be put back in his or her pocket.
  6. If by any chance the worker believes to have been infected or has been in direct contact with a person sick with Coronavirus should keep a quarantine of 14 days by way of prevention before returning to their respective jobs.
  7. Finally, if the worker presents any of the symptoms that characterize the Coronavirus, he/she will have to remain isolated at home or go to the nearest health centre, depending on the severity and after having called the corresponding helpline.
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